February 22, 2020

Announcing a 1:1 Question Collection Chrome Extension

About the extension

As an engineering manager, your job is to engage, retain and grow world-class talent, as well as to provide context to them. One of the best avenues to do that is through one-on-ones.

The questions that you can find in this extension should serve as conversation starters or enable you to dive deep into topics.

1:1 questions chrome extension

Get the extension

How to use it this extension

I prefer to keep track of the 1:1s I have in Google Docs, having a dedicated section for every week. This setup enables me and the people I do 1:1s with to create reminders and assign action items to one another.

Every week, a couple of hours before my first 1:1, I open the app and get three questions that I'll use in all my 1:1s that week. This way, I can get a better pulse of the whole team, as we talk about the same topics. If you start using the extension, just hit the copy button, and paste the questions into your Google Docs.

The reason I do this a couple of hours before the 1:1s is that some people prefer if they get a heads-up of what topics we'll talk about.

Thank you, Vidal, for making your 1:1 question collection open-source!

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